57th day in the UoA

57th day in the UoA / 会津大57日





高齢者(80歳以上)   14.8%    
心血管器疾患       10.5%
糖尿病          7.3%
慢性呼吸器疾患      6.3%
高血圧          6.0%
がん           5.6%
持病のない人       0.9%

日経Gooday web 2020.3


平日 午前9時-午後4時 (4月は22日、24日、30日を除く)

月火水金:9:00-16:00 木:14:00-16:00




Dear students of the University of Aizu,

The state of emergency has been lifted all over Japan. However, we can’t live like before. I still feel uncomfortable to go grocery shopping without a mask. We’d better wait a while until we go to onsen again.

★ From the Counselor★
We often hear “online something” after the novel coronavirus caused this situation. Everything that was conducted face to face including classes, parties, meetings are now online. Very recently, I finally joined an online party for the first time. I enjoyed talking with friends who live far away after a long time, and I felt really refreshed. Technically we could do this long before, but we didn’t even think about it. That is probably because we could just meet up with them if we wanted. In a way, because of the limitations, we started to use a different method of communication.
The state of emergency has been lifted, and gradually the restrictions will be eased. We feel somewhat hesitant to change the life style now, but we can start something new in this time of change. I hope you can find something new to do in your life, just like you started doing something new to prevent the infection.

★ From the Nurse ★
In the “48th day in the UoA”, I wrote that those who have a low risk of having more serious consequences of the novel coronavirus infection are, quite unexpectedly, those who have lung-related diseases, take an immunosuppressive drug to control articular rheumatism or HV carriers.”
Now I read this again, I’ve realized that this might have given you a wrong impression that these people rarely have serious development of the coronavirus infection. So today, I would like to give you the comparison of fatality rates with exact numbers.

<Comparison of the Fatality Rates>
elderly people (over 80 years old): 14.8%
cardiovascular disease patients: 10.5%
diabetic patients: 7.3%
patients with chronic respiratory illness: 6.3%
high blood pressure: 6.0%
cancer patients: 5.6%
no ailments: 0.9%

*Data taken from:
Nikkei Gooday web 2020.3
“How is the pneumonia caused by the novel coronavirus different from ordinary pneumonia
Japan Primary Care Association HP
“Guidelines of the primary cares for the novel coronavirus infection at clinics and hospitals”

Consultation services

◎ Nurse’s room
Email: nurse@-aizu.ac.jp
Weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm(Except for April 22, 35 and 30)

◎ Counseling Room
 Email: counseling@u-aizu.ac.jp
 TEL: 0242-37-2610
Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri: 9:00-16:00 Thur:14:00-16:00
 ※Open four days a week

◎ Student Affairs
Email: sad-ass@u-aizu.ac.jp
TEL: 0242-37-2600 
Weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm

This mail magazine has been archived here!



307th day in the UoA - Listen to your body and mind

279th day in the UoA - Listen to your body and mind

20th Day in the UoA