20th Day in the UoA
20th day in the UoA / 会津大20日
- 自分も感染の可能性あると考え、予防策を講じましょう。その際、信頼できる情報源の情報を使ってください。
- 栄養バランスがとれる食事、十分な睡眠、適度な運動などの健康な生活習慣を維持しましょう。
- 自分の気持ちに(ディスストレス)対処するために、タバコやアルコールを使うことはやめましょう。
- 信頼している人と会話をしましょう。また、友人や家族と連絡をとりましょう。
- 身体的、精神的、心理社会的なニーズに対して何か 困ったときに、どこに 支援を求めるとそのニーズが満たされるかなど、その時に備えて計画をたてておきましょう。
平日 午前9時-午後4時 (4月は22日、24日、30日を除く)
月火水金:9:00-16:00 木:14:00-16:00
Dear students of the University of Aizu,
Due to this turmoil caused by the novel coronavirus, we have the unusual beginning of the academic year; the school is temporarily closed and most of the courses are provided online. In order to deal with this unusual life, we will issue a casual mail magazine “_th day in the UoA”. The first blank will have the number of days after the beginning of this academic year. We hope you will proceed day by day as the number increases day by day.
★From the nurse★
Nobody knows when this coronavirus pandemic will be over. It is just natural that you feel uneasiness, sadness, agony or anger in such a situation. However, it’s important not to be controlled by these negative feelings. Please remember these to maintain good immunity.
- Please take necessary preventive measures. Remember you can be a coronavirus holder. Also, it’s important to find a source of information that can be trusted.
- Have nutritionally-balanced meals, sufficient sleep and exercise. Maintain a healthy life style.
- Don’t rely on smoking or drinking to deal with your anxiety or distress.
- Keep in touch with people you trust. Talk with your friends and family.
- You may feel that you can’t respond to the physical, mental, or social psychological demands in the future. Please think of who you should ask for help now.
★From the counselor★
You may feel blue or anxious because you can’t live like before due to the novel coronavirus. Especially if you are new in the University of Aizu, you are not used to the campus life itself, and you have to deal with this tension. You may well be mentally very tired. It is natural to feel this way at a time when nothing is certain. It is not only you. You don’t need to worry or get frustrated. We are all in a difficult situation now, but please try what you can do to maintain your mental and physical health.
If you feel anxiety, please talk to your family, friends or someone you trust. Don’t take it all on yourself. Even if you can’t see them in person, you can call them or keep in touch with them via an SNS. By talking with each other, you might be able to regain peace of mind. Also, you will feel refreshed by spitting out something that weighs on your mind. When necessary, please think of using the consultation services on campus.
Consultation services
◎ Nurse’s room
Email: nurse@-aizu.ac.jp
Weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm(Except for
April 22, 35 and 30)
◎ Counseling
Email: counseling@u-aizu.ac.jp
TEL: 0242-37-2610
Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri: 9:00-16:00 Thur:14:00-16:00
※Open four days
a week
◎ Student
Email: sad-ass@u-aizu.ac.jp
TEL: 0242-37-2600
Weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm