52nd day in the UoA

52nd day in the UoA / 会津大52日



 日本人は入浴が好きだと言われています。「湯治」という言葉があるように昔から健康法として取り入れられていました。確かに湯舟や温泉につかるとほっと一息つきますし、体や気持ちが緩んでいくような感じがしますよね。一人暮らしの方だとシャワーで済ませてしまうことも多いと思いますが、普段からできるリラックス方法として入浴はおすすめです。 リラックスしたい時には少しぬるいお湯(40度以下)がよいとされています。これは副交感神経が優位になり心身を落ち着かせる効果があるからです。逆に少し熱めのお湯(42~43度)は交感神経が優位になり、気分をしゃきっとさせる効果があります。温度によって効果が違うので、その時の状態に合わせて調整してみましょう。



平日 午前9時-午後4時 (4月は22日、24日、30日を除く)

月火水金:9:00-16:00 木:14:00-16:00




Dear students of the University of Aizu,

We have started the distribution of the long-life rice donated from Fukushima Prefecture. Please look for email about the distribution sent through Forum. It’s ready to eat by just heating it up with a microwave or hot water.

★ From the Counselor ★
You may agree that the Japanese love taking a bath. As the word “toji” indicates, taking a bath has been a way of keeping yourself healthy since ancient times. Sure, when we dip ourselves in a bathtub or onsen, we feel unwound and relaxed. If you are living alone, you will more often take a shower rather than taking a bath, but I recommend taking a bath for relaxation.
When you want to relax yourself, warm water (lower than 40 degrees Celsius) is recommended because it calms you down by making the parasympathetic nerve dominant. On the contrary, a little hotter water (about 42 to 43 degrees Celsius) will make the sympathetic nerve dominant and wake you up. The water in the tub has different effects depending on its temperature, so please choose the temperature good for your current condition.
Even if you don’t have a bath tub, warming up only your hands or feet will have positive effects. By warming up your hands and feet, your blood circulation will improve, and you will feel relaxed just like taking a bath.
When you use onsen bath powder, you may feel like you are in real onsen! At the end of a long day, please do good things for yourself and relax your mind.

★ From the Nurse ★
There are two kinds of desires, physical and mental. When these desires are not satisfied, we perceive we are stressed (distress). Physical desires include those for food, sex, sleep, which are all to preserve individuals and species. If these desires are not fulfilled, we feel hunger, thirst, sleepiness, or fatigue. Mental desires include the following three types. When these are not fulfilled, we feel anxiety, fear, anger, self-resentment, sadness, or agony.
-    Desire for affection (others-rewarding)
Desires to be acknowledged unconditionally by others, to be accepted, to be loved, to get what you wish, or to have your values acknowledged
-    Desire to trust yourself (self-rewarding)
Regardless of what others think of you, you want to acknowledge, love, trust, like, grow, treasure yourself.
-    Desire to love others (self-rewarding)
Regardless of what others think of you, you want to accept others unconditionally, love, trust, respect, help, be kind to others.
It doesn’t mean that one desire is superior to others. Satisfying both self-rewarding and others-rewarding desires will keep your mentality in a healthy condition.

Consultation services

◎ Nurse’s room
Email: nurse@-aizu.ac.jp
Weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm(Except for April 22, 35 and 30)

◎ Counseling Room
 Email: counseling@u-aizu.ac.jp
 TEL: 0242-37-2610
Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri: 9:00-16:00 Thur:14:00-16:00
 ※Open four days a week

◎ Student Affairs
Email: sad-ass@u-aizu.ac.jp
TEL: 0242-37-2600 
Weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm

This mail magazine has been archived here!



307th day in the UoA - Listen to your body and mind

279th day in the UoA - Listen to your body and mind

20th Day in the UoA