76th day in the UoA

76th day in the UoA / 会津大76日





①屋内においては、室内換気に十分な配慮をしつつ、こまめにエアコン温度を調節し室内温 度を確認しましょう。(家庭用エアコンに換気機能はありません)
②マスク着用により、身体に負担がかかりますので,適宜マスクをはずして休憩することも大切 です。ただし感染対策上重要ですので,はずす際はフィジカルディスタンシングに配慮し、周囲環境等に十分に注意を払って下さい。また口渇感に依らず頻回に水分も摂取しましょう。
③体が暑さに慣れていない時期が危険です。フィジカルディスタンシングに注意しつつ、室 内・室外での適度な運動で少しずつ暑さに体を慣れさせましょう。
④熱中症弱者(独居高齢者、日常生活動作に支障がある方など)の方には特に注意し、社会 的孤立を防ぐべく、頻繁に連絡を取り合いましょう。
出典:https://www.jaam.jp/info/2020/files/info-2020601.pdf (日本語のみ)

※新コロナ感染症予防のため三密の回避、Social distancing(社会的距離の確保)が重要とされています。Social distancingは心理的な距離をさし、他者との関係を社会的に絶たねばならないと誤解を招く恐れがあるため、客観的な数値などにもとづく「物理的な距離」を指すPhysical distancing(身体的距離の確保)をWHOは使うようになりました。


平日 午前9時-午後4時 

月火水金:9:00-16:00 木:14:00-16:00




Dear students of the University of Aizu,

First half of June has already passed. As soon as the rainy season started in the Tohoku Region, it is over now in Okinawa. In the year when the rainy season in Okinawa ends early, the subsequent summer is very harsh. Please be ready for the steaming summer!

★ From the Counselor ★
We had really hot days last week, and the rainy season has finally started. In the rainy season, the air pressure is not stable, and we feel the temperature fluctuates a lot within a day. Many people feel unpleasant due to the humidity.
It is said that the seasonal changes in the air pressure and the temperature affect our autonomic nerve. The autonomic nerve controls various body functions. Drastic changes in the pressure and the temperature during the rainy season disrupt the balance, and we feel tired or lethargic. It is a stagnant season, but I hope you can spend pleasant days. Please try to live a well-regulated life. Because we tend to feel tired in this season, have sufficient sleep and eat well so that you can build a fit body. When you feel depressed, let’s try some relaxation methods at home. We need to fill ourselves with energy now to prepare for the coming summer.

★ From the Nurse ★
The temperature is rising, and the risk of developing a heat stroke is also rising. The working group of the Japanese Association for Acute Medicine, the Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine, the Japanese Association for Infectious Diseases, and the Japanese Respiratory Society has formulated proposals for the prevention of the heat stroke in the time of the novel coronavirus pandemic and a consensus statement to prevent the heat stroke in the new normal.

1. Have sufficient ventilation indoors and control the room temperature with an AC. Remember the AC does not ventilate the room.
2. Wearing a mask puts much strain on your body. It is important to take off the mask and have a break. While you are not wearing a mask, please keep enough physical distance and pay attention to the surroundings for the purpose of preventing the infection. Take a lot of water even if you are not thirsty.
3. The riskiest time is when your body is not used to the heat. Keeping enough physical distance, please try to have moderate exercise indoors and outdoors and get yourselves used to the heat.
4. Those vulnerable to the heat stroke (senior citizens living alone or those with daily living activities impairment) need special attention. Please contact those people frequently and prevent their social isolation.
5. Keep the observation report of your physical condition every day. If you feel something different, contact the Consultation Center for recent arrivals and people who have been exposed to a person with confirmed COVID-19 or nearby clinics.
Information taken from https://www.jaam.jp/info/2020/files/info-2020601.pdf (Japanese only)

It is recommended to avoid the 3Cs and have enough social distance. “A social distance” refers to a psychological distance, and some may misunderstand it as they have to cut any social links with others. Therefore, the WHO has started using “a physical distance,” which is based on more objective criteria.

Consultation services

◎ Nurse’s room
Email: nurse@-aizu.ac.jp
Weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm

◎ Counseling Room
 Email: counseling@u-aizu.ac.jp
 TEL: 0242-37-2610
Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri: 9:00-16:00 Thur:14:00-16:00
 ※Open four days a week

◎ Student Affairs
Email: sad-ass@u-aizu.ac.jp
TEL: 0242-37-2600 
Weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm

This mail magazine has been archived here!



307th day in the UoA - Listen to your body and mind

279th day in the UoA - Listen to your body and mind

20th Day in the UoA