66th day in the UoA

66th day in the UoA / 会津大66日






平日 午前9時-午後4時 

月火水金:9:00-16:00 木:14:00-16:00




Dear students of the University of Aizu,

We are having really hot days recently. This year, we have to open the windows for ventilation. I wonder we can turn on the AC with the windows open.

★ From the Counselor ★
In “the new normal,” we are expected to live a daily life with proper prevention against the infection. We are asked to keep a 2-meter distance from people, but when we have a conversation, this distance may seem too far away.
We all have our personal space. We feel safe when our space is secured, but when a stranger invades it, we feel uncomfortable. It is like a territory. The size of personal space differs according to individual characteristics, gender, or age, but we tend to have smaller personal space when we are with somebody close to us, and it can get bigger with the people we don’t know well. In a train, you can sit right next to your friend, but you feel a bit awkward if the person is a stranger.
We control the size of the personal space unconsciously, but in the new normal, we may need to intentionally have a larger personal space.

★ From the Nurse ★

In the last mail magazine, I introduced the way to take nutrition that will satisfy your brain, mind and intestines. Today, I would like to write about the sugar (both glucose and fructose) and psychological symptoms (anxiety disorder, neurosis, dysphoria etc.) in relation to the blood-sugar value.
Sugar and purified carbohydrate are dissolved into glucose or fructose in the small intestine and absorbed quickly resulting in the heightened blood-sugar level. Insulin suppresses the blood-sugar level elevation.
The elevation of the blood sugar level causes the secretion of dopamine, which gives us pleasant sensation or happiness, but this doesn’t last long because insulin lowers the blood-sugar level. If you frequently take sugar and purified carbohydrate, your blood-sugar level surges and falls rapidly many times. It means the lack of dopamine happens many times.
By experiencing the lack of dopamine, you can get easily anxious and frustrated, and as a result, you become emotionally unstable. This can generate a vicious circle in which you take more sugar, processed food and purified carbohydrate to ease anxiety and frustration. Let’s be careful not to take too much white rice, white bread, pot noodles, sweets, ice cream, or soda.

Consultation services

◎ Nurse’s room
Email: nurse@-aizu.ac.jp
Weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm

◎ Counseling Room
 Email: counseling@u-aizu.ac.jp
 TEL: 0242-37-2610
Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri: 9:00-16:00 Thur:14:00-16:00
 ※Open four days a week

◎ Student Affairs
Email: sad-ass@u-aizu.ac.jp
TEL: 0242-37-2600 
Weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm

This mail magazine has been archived here!



307th day in the UoA - Listen to your body and mind

293rd day in the UoA - Listen to your body and mind

279th day in the UoA - Listen to your body and mind