142nd day in the UoA
142nd day in the UoA / 会津大142日
1. 石けんと水で定期的かつ徹底的に手を洗うか、擦式手指消毒剤で手をこすり洗う。
どうして?手についているウイルスを殺します。 2. 自分と他の人との間を少なくても1メートル離す。
3. 混雑した場所に行くのは避ける。
4. 目、鼻、口には触れない。
平日 午前9時-午後4時
月火水金:9:00-16:00 木:14:00-16:00
Dear students of the University of Aizu,
There has been found the very first confirmed case of COVID-19 infection in Aizuwakamatsu. It was a matter of time, but this news was a shock.
★ From the Counselor ★
Many of you should know by experience that emotion is contagious. For example, when you see a smile, you also feel happy. On the other hand, when you see a person who is frustrated, you feel frustrated too. It’s nice that positive feelings spread, but unfortunately, it is said that negative feelings are more easily transmitted to others. I introduced “Three faces of COVID-19 we must be alert to - A guide to breaking the negative spiral” before. It says not only COVID-19 but also worries and fears are spreading. Please try not to expose yourself too much to negative information through SNS or TV, which can help the infection spread more. Please note, though, positive feelings do spread, too. It’s only that negative feelings are more contagious than positive ones. If you have something that makes you happy or glad, please share that with people around you. This will lead to more spread of positive feelings.
★ From the nurse ★
The total number of COVID-19 patients in Fukushima Prefecture has reached 113 (as of August 19, 2020). One positive case has been reported in Aizu Region. Now that we must stay even more cautious, it is a good time to review what we have to do prevent the coronavirus infection. A few simple actions will lower the possibility to infect others as well as to be infected from others.

1. Regularly and thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water, or sanitize your hands by rubbing them together with hand disinfectant.
Why? Because that will kill the virus on your hands.
2. Keep a distance of at least 1 meter from each other.
Why? When we cough, sneeze, and talk, we emit droplets from our mouth and nose. If you are standing too close with each other, we inhale droplets that contain the novel coronavirus.
3. Avoid crowded places.
Why? In a crowded place, you are more likely to encounter those with COVID-19 virus, and it is hard to have the physical distance of 1 meter from others.
4. Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
Why? Your fingers touch many surfaces and may pick up viruses. When that happens, your fingers might spread the virus to your eyes, nose and mouth. From these places, the virus will enter your body and infect you.
(To be continued)
Consultation services
◎ Nurse’s room
Email: nurse@-aizu.ac.jp
Weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm
◎ Counseling Room
Email: counseling@u-aizu.ac.jp
TEL: 0242-37-2610
Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri: 9:00-16:00 Thur:14:00-16:00
※Open four days a week
◎ Student Affairs
Email: sad-ass@u-aizu.ac.jp
TEL: 0242-37-2600
Weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm
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