303rd day in the UoA - Listen to your body and mind
心と体を整える/303rd day in the UoA
ナイチンゲールことFlorence Nightingale(1820-1910年)は近代看護の祖と言われています。彼女の功績は、看護の概念を確立し看護師の仕事を明らかにしただけでなく、統計を使い衛生環境の重要性を明らかにし、さらには看護教育者、病院の建築家、著述家でもありました。
著作でよく知られているのは「Notes on Nursing/看護覚え書」(1860年)でしょう。
All disease, at some period or other of its course, is more or less a reparative process, not necessarily accompanied with suffering: an effort of nature to remedy a process of poisoning or of decay, which has taken place weeks, months, sometimes years beforehand, unnoticed, the termination of the disease being then, while the antecedent process was going on, determined.
※「看護覚え書」英文出典はナイチンゲール看護研究所のWebナイチンゲール 名言集 (https://nightingale-a.jp/words-of-nightingale-edit/)です。
会津大学の学生支援について: https://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/campus/support/
平日 午前9時-午後4時
Now it’s February. Since we started this newsletter, it’s been over 300 days! We didn’t expect it would take this long to get our normal life back last April. Now it has determined that the state of emergency will be extended in 10 areas. We will have to tolerate a lot of limitations, but compared to the time when we started this newsletter, we have deeper understanding of the novel coronavirus. Please remain calm and relaxed.
★ From the Counselor ★
There are two kinds of anxiety; one that can dissolve by getting appropriate information and the other that cannot be eliminated even if you get enough information.
Currently, all the people are feeling anxious about the future due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.
It is true that we are getting accurate information about the coronavirus, but the anxiety about the future will not completely disappear no matter how much information we obtain. This is because there are things that can only be solved after they take place no matter how well we prepare for and how much we investigate about them. The best way to overcome this kind of anxiety is to accept the anxious feelings because the more you try to solve it, the more anxious you will become.
If you have only minor anxiety, you can change your feelings by not thinking about it, but if the anxiety is a life-or-death matter, this solution will not work. It is important that you accept the fact that you are feeling anxious because trying to forget about it will remind you that you cannot get rid of the anxiety.
Anxiety gives you stress because feeling anxious is a burden on your body and mind even though it is unavoidable anxiety. You may want to try many things to remove the anxiety, but please don’t increase the burden because your body has enough already. Now it’s time to be easy on yourself, cut back on your activities, and overvalue the results.
★ From the Nurse ★
Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) is said to be the originator of the modern nursing. Her achievements are not only to have established the concept of nursing, defined nurses’ duties but also to show the importance of the hygienic environment with statistics. She was also a nurse educator, a designer of hospitals, and a writer.
In one of her well-known works, “Notes on Nursing” (1860), she
describes a disease as follows.
“All disease, at some period or other of its course, is more or less a reparative process, not necessarily accompanied with suffering: an effort of nature to remedy a process of poisoning or of decay, which has taken place weeks, months, sometimes years beforehand, unnoticed, the termination of the disease being then, while the antecedent process was going on, determined.”
Whenever I feel sick, I say to myself, “What is this sickness trying to tell me?” or “These symptoms are signs of recovery.” Whenever I am healthy (or don’t notice any symptoms), I say to myself “What I do today creates what I will be (namely, my condition) tomorrow.
“Notes on Nursing” is available on “Quotations from Nightingale’s Writings” in Florence Nightingale Archives (https://nightingale-a.jp/words-of-nightingale-edit/)
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