219th day in the UoA - Listen to your body and mind

会津大219日/219th day in the UoA 










消化管は長い一本の筒の形で、その筒の中は身体の内なる外の状態にあります。腸で内なる外と内を分けているのは腸管上皮です。腸管上皮の正常な透過性は栄養素の選択的フィルターと有害な抗原物質や病原分子が腸管上皮層を通過させない壁としての2つの役割を果しています。この腸管の透過性が亢進してしまった状態(腸管上皮細胞間に隙間ができる)を「漏れやすい腸、Leaky gut」と称します。

Leaky gut状態になると未消化の栄養分子や病原分子が血液に入り、強い炎症反応や免疫反応が誘導され、便秘や下痢などにとどまらず、非アルコール性の肝炎、遅延性のアレルギー、自己免疫疾患、気分障害、自閉症などの発症に関与すると考えられています。

Leaky gut状態を回避するには、腸内細菌の善玉菌と悪玉菌のバランスを保つことが重要です。そのためには食べ物を選ぶ(ジャンクフードや砂糖の摂りすぎを避ける、食物繊維を摂るなど)、適度な運動する、抗菌剤や痛み止めの適切な使用、規則正しい生活が望まれます。







平日 午前9時-午後4時 




月火水金:9:00-16:00 木:14:00-16:00











Dear students of the University of Aizu,

The Aizu Basin is now full of autumn colors! Let’s enjoy this beautiful season. Very soon, we will see white snowflakes falling down from the sky.  

★ From the Counselor ★

When you have such negative feelings as “I have no confidence.” “That person is such a weasel!” or “I’m so irritated.”, you may feel negative about yourself for having such feelings. 

 However, negative feelings are telling you that something harmful is happening just like body sensors tell you the same thing by making you feel “hot” or “painful”. Because you feel hot, you move your hand before getting seriously burned, or you put medicine on an injury to cure it because you feel the pain. These are important sensors to protect yourself that encourage you to remove the causes of the pain or treat it. 

When the body sensor makes you feel a pain, hot, cold or itchy, you know what is causing them and what to do from your experience. When negative feelings develop in you, you will be able to know what these feelings are trying to tell you by finding out what started them and what kind of feelings you have, and then you will know how to treat them. Even if you cannot find the treatment, let’s think this way; “These negative feelings tell me I cannot ignore them.” rather than “I hate myself for having such negative feelings”. This will improve your self-esteem.

In the Counseling Room, we are trying to help you verbalize vague, uncomfortable feelings. When you don’t know what kind of emotions you have or how to treat them, please come to talk to me!

★ From the Nurse ★

The digestive tube is one long tube, and its inside is just like the outside layer of your skin. The layer called intestinal epithelia separates the outside skin and the inner coat of the digestive tube. The intestinal epithelia have two functions; its permeation property selects nutrients to absorb, and its defense function blocks antigenic substance and disease agents. When the permeability of the digestive tube increases too much (because of the space in between intestinal epithelia cells), it is called “leaky gut”. 

The leaky gut allows undigested nutrients and disease agents to enter into the blood stream, which causes strong inflammation and immune reactions. This condition is believed to cause not only constipation and diarrhea but also non-alcoholic hepatitis, delayed allergy, autoimmune disorder, mood disturbance, and autism. 

In order to prevent your gut from being leaky, it is important to keep a good balance between beneficial and harmful intestinal bacteria by having a good selection of food (avoid taking too much junk food and sugar, and take a lot of dietary fiber), having proper exercises, avoiding excessive use of antibacterial substance and pain killers, and keeping regular hours.


Consultation services


◎ Nurse’s room

Email: nurse@-aizu.ac.jp


Weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm

◎ Counseling Room

 Email: counseling@u-aizu.ac.jp

 TEL: 0242-37-2610

Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri: 9:00-16:00 Thur:14:00-16:00

 ※Open four days a week

◎ Student Affairs

Email: sad-ass@u-aizu.ac.jp

TEL: 0242-37-2600 

Weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm


This mail magazine has been archived here!





307th day in the UoA - Listen to your body and mind

293rd day in the UoA - Listen to your body and mind

279th day in the UoA - Listen to your body and mind