251st day in the UoA - Listen to your body and mind

心と体を整える/251st day in the UoA






1. スキルや行動を知らない、あるいは獲得のための活動をしない

2. スキルや行動を獲得のための活動をするが、まだ獲得できていない

3. スキルや行動を意識すれば実行できるようになる

4. 特別な意識をせずスキルや行動を実行できる








会津大学の学生支援について: https://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/campus/support/




平日 午前9時-午後4時 















It is the final month of the year 2022. During the winter, there are lots of rainy and snowy days in Aizu because it is categorized as an area of the Japan Sea side climate. In addition, we are having the shortest days in the year now, which makes even our feelings down. Please find ways to enjoy Aizu winter, eating tasty food, playing winter sports and so on.

>> Struggles when you are young <<

The 3rd quarter ended, and the 4th quarter has started. You took final examinations at the end of the quarter. I believe you struggled to acquire the contents taught in the courses. You may want to avoid as many pains as possible, but in Japanese, there is a saying “You should be willing to go through struggles when you are young. (Literal translation is “Buy the hardships of your youth.”) What does it really mean?

Generally speaking, skill acquisition requires effort. Examples of skills and behavior include driving a car, skiing, snowboarding, playing musical instruments, learning programming languages, losing weight, doing physical training, learning routines and rules at work, in addition to the subjects you study in the university. 

When humans acquire new skills and behavior, we go through the following four stages.

1. We don’t know the skills and behavior, or we don’t try to acquire them.

2. We do something to acquire skills and behavior, but haven’t acquired them.

3. We can use the skills and behavior if we consciously pay attention to.

4. We can use the skills and behavior without explicit effort.

If you are on Stages 2 or 3, you will feel frustration. At such times, you feel you are struggling. On Stage 2, you are making efforts to acquire skills and behaviors, necessarily facing yourself who cannot do these. On Stage 3, you need to use the skills and behaviors in the situation where you have never used them before. On both stages, you cannot use them as you wish and have to continue practicing by trial and error. 

On Stages 1 and 4, you don’t feel frustration, so humans are apt to stay on these stages. If you stay on Stages 2 and 3 for a long time without moving on to Stage 4, you may go back to Stage 1 by making yourself believe that you are too busy, you are not good at these, there are no merits of acquiring these. On the other hand, those who know that reaching Stage 4 will bring a lot of benefits and do not go back to Stage 1 are those who have “experience of success”. There are not many such people, but they try to reach Stage 4 seeking for guidance from others. Those who want to acquire skills and behavior often try not to go back to Stage 1 by attending classes or mentoring lectures, which “schools” can provide, too. 

My own interpretation of the saying is while you are young, find the methodology appropriate for you to go through Stages 2 and 3 and reach Stage 4. It should take place when you are still young because that will enable you to acquire more skills and behaviors early and obtain more advantages to enrich your life. You don’t have to experience the struggles alone. If you have people who aim at the same goal and share the struggles, you are more likely to go over them.



Consultation services


UoA Student support: https://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/en/campus/support/

◎ Nurse’s room

Email: nurse@u-aizu.ac.jp


Weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm

◎ Counseling Room

 Email: counseling@u-aizu.ac.jp

 TEL: 0242-37-2610

Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri: 9:00-16:00 


◎ Student Affairs

Email: sad-aas@u-aizu.ac.jp

TEL: 0242-37-2600 

Weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm


This mail magazine has been archived here!





307th day in the UoA - Listen to your body and mind

279th day in the UoA - Listen to your body and mind

20th Day in the UoA