105th day in the UoA - Listen to your body and mind

 心と体を整える/105th day in the UoA



「メラビアンの法則」を知っていますか。アルバート・メラビアンはアメリカの心理学者です。コミュニケーションの実験から、「好意の合計 = 言語による好意7% + 声による好意38% + 表情による好意55%」という法則を提案しています。この法則は、送り手(話者)が好意や反感のメッセージを伝えるときに成り立ちます。あいさつは相手に好意を示すコミュニケーションですから、メラビアンの法則が成り立ちます。つまり、話者が「おはよう、今日も楽しくやろう」と相手(受け手)に好意を伝えたとき、言語で伝わる好意は7%で、声(抑揚、高低等)で伝わる好意は38%、そして、表情で伝わる好意は55%なのです。したがって、好意は言語(言葉)よりも声や表情によって伝わるのです。具体的に言うと、明るい声と笑顔で話すことで相手に好意が伝わります。では、皆さんは、あいさつで相手に好意を伝えるとき、声や表情、姿勢や態度に注意を払っていますか。言葉選びに注意が向いたり、あるいは単にあいさつ言葉を言ったりするだけになっていませんか?そうだとしたら、好意が相手に十分に伝わっていない可能性があります。

我々の感情は言語よりも非言語(声や表情、姿勢や態度等)で表現されやすいのです。また、言語と非言語とが互いに異なるメッセージである場合、例えば、「おはよう」と言いつつも、目を合わせず表情が暗いときなど、我々は、感情については非言語からの影響を受けやすいのです。つまり、コミュニケーションのときに非言語にも注意を払うことが大切なのです。(Psychologist Mameo)




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Dear students of the University of Aizu,

Summer has started suddenly before we became used to the summer heat. We are not really used to the cold air from A/C yet either. I believe there are many who are feeling somewhat tired. It is going to be a long summer this year. 

>> Let’s acquire social skills! ? Part 2: Importance of non-verbal features <<

Have you ever heard of Mehrabian’ Law? Albert Mehrabian is an American psychologist. He proposed a formula, “Perception of liking = 7% from words + 38% from tone of voice + 55% from body language” based on communication experiments. This formula works when a message sender (a speaker) conveys messages of liking or disliking. Because greetings are a kind of communication to show our goodwill toward others, this formula can be also applied to them. In other words, when a speaker conveys his/her goodwill to the other person (the receiver) by saying, “Good morning. Have a good day,” words convey 7%, voice (intonation and pitch) conveys 38% and facial expressions convey 55% of the total goodwill. Namely, one’s goodwill is communicated through voice and facial expressions more than through the language (words). More specifically, by speaking in a cheerful voice with a smile, your goodwill will be conveyed. Then, do you pay attention to your voice, face, postures or attitude when you greet others? You may be too focused on choosing the words to say or just say greeting expressions. If so, it is possible that your goodwill is not perceived by the other person sufficiently. 

Our emotions are more likely to be expressed non-verbally (with voice, facial expressions, postures, or attitude) than verbally. Also, when non-verbal messages contradict with verbal ones, for example, you say “Good morning” but with a gloomy look without any eye contact, our emotions are influenced more by non-verbal messages. This all indicates that paying attention to non-verbal features when communicating is very important. (Psychologist Mameo)


Consultation services


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◎ Nurse’s room

Email: nurse@u-aizu.ac.jp


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 Email: counseling@u-aizu.ac.jp

 TEL: 0242-37-2610

Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri: 9:00-16:00 


◎ Student Affairs

Email: sad-aas@u-aizu.ac.jp

TEL: 0242-37-2600 

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307th day in the UoA - Listen to your body and mind

279th day in the UoA - Listen to your body and mind

20th Day in the UoA