8th day in the UoA - Listen to your body and mind
心と体を整える/8th day in the UoA
私たちの体は古くなった細胞を分解し、日々新しい細胞に入れ替わっています。 古い細胞が壊される際に生まれるのが「プリン体」です。「プリン体」は、肝臓で分解され体には必要のない老廃物である「尿酸」となり、主に腎臓から尿に混じって体外に排泄されます。
この尿酸が血液中に増加しすぎた状態が高尿酸血症です。(血中の尿酸値が 7mg/dl 以上)。この状態が続くと血液中で結晶を作り始め、体に沈着し、様々な病気をおこします。
例えば・・・ 痛風(尿酸が結晶を作り、関節に沈着して炎症をおこす) 腎機能障害・尿路結石 などがあります。
会津大学の学生支援について: https://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/campus/support/
平日 午前9時-午後4時
Dear students of the University of Aizu,
Academic Year 2021 has started. Though classes are taught face-to-face, you have to wear a mask all the time, and welcome events for freshmen, which are routines at this time of the ‘normal’ year, shouldn’t be held face-to-face. This is really unfortunate. In this newsletter, we will regularly send out casual messages about the health of your body and mind. When you want to know how to be healthier or when you feel a bit negative, this will be of use. The number in the title indicates how many days have passed since the beginning of this academic year. We hope you will grow day by day as the number increases day by day.
★ From the Nurse ★
In our body, old cells are dissolved and replaced by new ones every day. When the cell breakdown occurs, purine bodies are created. They are dissolved in the liver, and uric acid, which is an unnecessary waste product for the body, is released. The uric acid is then transported to the kidneys and removed from the body through urination. When the uric acid increases too much in the blood, the condition called hyperuricemia takes place (more than 7mg/dl uric acid in the blood). If hyperuricemia continues, the urine acid crystalizes in your blood, which stays and causes various diseases in your body. For example, gout is caused by the crystals depositing in joints and triggering inflammation. Impaired renal function as well as urinary lithiasis may take place. Lifestyle habits that can control the amount of urine acid are as follows.
[Take well-balanced food]
Take appropriate amount and balance of nutrition (let’s eat vegetables and sea weeds). If the value of urine acid is already high, please avoid eating too much fish and meat that contains a lot of purine bodies. Also, drink a lot of water to induce urination.
[Appropriate amount of alcohol intake]
If you drink, please don’t drink more than “one alcohol unit per day, which is one “go” of Japanese sake or 500ml of beer. Decide two days in a week when you don’t drink any.
[Do exercises]
Please try to have aerobic physical activities such as walking.
[Maintain an appropriate weight]
When you develop hypercholesterolemia due to obesity, transporters for reabsorption of uric acid will increase, and urination is disturbed.
[Stress management]
Bad stress affects your lifestyle negatively. Even if you have stress, please make plans to release it without accumulating it.
★ From the Counselor ★
Congratulations, to freshmen, on your admission to the University of Aizu. Welcome back, older students. How was your spring break?
The cherry blossoms around the campus are so beautiful now. Usually they are in full bloom around the third week of April, when we have the IPA (Information-technology Promotion Agency) Certificate Exam, but it is extremely early this year.
We can’t have a vibrant party under the cherry trees, enjoying the beautiful view, (ohanami party), but let’s feel the season with all our senses by walking under cherry blossoms around the campus and enjoying them sitting on the grass.
In April, the temperature fluctuates between day and night. Also the rhythm of your life might have changed, which may disturb your health. At such a time, please try to relax and feel easy.
I wish you will find your own way to enjoy spring.
Consultation services
UoA Student support: https://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/en/campus/support/
◎ Nurse’s room
Email: nurse@u-aizu.ac.jp
Weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm
◎ Counseling Room
Email: counseling@u-aizu.ac.jp
TEL: 0242-37-2610
Mon, Tue, Wed and Fri: 9:00-16:00
◎ Student Affairs
Email: sad-aas@u-aizu.ac.jp
TEL: 0242-37-2600
Weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm
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